First Year Notice - Commencement of Classes - 29 July 2018
Greetings from MBA Twinning Program
At the outset the Management, Director, Coordinator and Staff hearty welcome all the first year MBA Twinning Program Students for the Orientation Classes which is scheduled on Sunday 29th, July 2018. All the students are expected to be Compulsorily present at 8.00 a.m in your respective classes.
*Time table will be uploaded on the Website on 26 July 2018. Please take note of the Room No, Subject and Faculty Allotment.
*You are requested to send a formal photograph (passport size JPG format) to mail id for Identity Card.
*Names of Students who have not paid the Admission and Semester fees and submitted the challan to office will be removed from Admission Register .
Students are advised not to miss first day of the college
Wishing you all the best for the ensuing academic year
Dr. Kanishka K