National Conference
Innovations in Management and Strategies for Sustainable Business Development
11th March, 2017
This National Conference on Innovations in Management and Strategies for Sustainable Business Development represents growth and maturity of the Department of Administration that has built a series of workshops, fest, conferences held over last five years. The theme of the Conference was aptly chosen keeping in conformance with the industry demands and proliferation in the fields of business management.
The Inaugural Function of the conference was held today at 9.45am. The Chief Guest, Delegates and other participants were welcomed by Prof. Mohammed Umair Faculty member, Department of Business administration, Prelude to the conference and program overview was given by Dr. Kanishka K, Conference Chief Convener and Head, department of business administration. Presidential Address was given by Rev.Fr. Fr. Anthony Joseph S.J Rector, St. Joseph institution, Bangalore and he emphasized innovation in delivering course curriculum and these innovation leads to sustainable development among Jesuits institutions. The conference was inaugurated chief guest by Shri. Dr. Nagaraj sastry Executive Vice President, Equitas Small Finance Bank accompanied with guest of honour Dr. S. Kanthimathinathan Chief Finance Manager, ITI LTD, Bangalore and CS K.T. Mayuranathan Company Secretary. Finally Dr. V. Babu, faculty member , myself, Proposed Vote of Thanks.
In the first technical session, INNOVATIONS IN FINANCE, was taken over by chairperson Dr. Dr. S. Kanthimathinathan Chief Finance Manager, ITI LTD, Bangalore and resource person. Mr. Nagaraj sastry, executive vice president, equitas small finance bank, Small Finance Bank, highlighted about internet banking, credit authorisation scheme of banking, digital depositing and loans and demonetization. CS K.T. Mayuranathan, Company Secretary in Practice, spoke about making in India, FDI, digitalisation on banking, corporate governance. Chairperson Dr.kanthimathinathan, concluded with financial innovation based on make in india, digitilization, starts up, stand up india and growth in information technology.
In the second technical session, INNOVATIONS IN FINANCE & MARKETING, The session was handled by Mr. S. Vinayaka Babu,CEO of 4SemiTechnology India Pvt Ltd. and Sankaran S, Director, Mysore Mercantile co ltd. Arion Technology Ltd. Strategic Consultant for M & A, J V, Bangalore. In their presentation, described the marketing strategies is at the centre of any marketing effort. To get the highest returns on investment you must have your own marketing strategies correctly. Otherwise all investment on marketing will be a waste of effort and money. Chairperson Mr. Laxinarayana concluded with the quote "business idea becomes great when you plan your finances and marketing strategies well.
Followed by the Key Note sessions, the plenary session for paper presentation was held between 01.30 PM and 3.30 PM, There were 85 papers presented by participants in five parallel session held at five different venues.
The third technical session was held between 3.45pm to 4.45pm on the topic INNOVATIONS IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. The session was handled by Mr. James Job, Vice President (Talent Acquisition), Hinduja Global Services and he highlighted the areas of innovation in sourcing, skill assessment and interviewing and session concluded by Dr. Ramesh, Dean, PG department of commerce and research centre, Mount's Carmel College, Bangalore. He stress up on innovation in HR and sustaining in a firm.
Conference embedded with paper presentation session to set platform for researchers to share their research work in the functional areas of finance, Human resource, marketing and general management. There are 355 participants from industry, faculty members and PG students across India. This one day national conference propelled the educators to be invigorated.
Mr. James Job, Vice President (Talent Acquisition), Hinduja Global Services was the chief guest of valedictory function and Dr. Ramesh, Dean, PG department of commerce and research centre, Mount's Carmel College, Bangalore, guest of honour and Rev.Fr. Maxim Dias, Principal, St. Joseph's Evening College, Dr. Kanishka K, HOD, Dept. of Business Administration, presided over the function. Dr.V. Babu, presented the conference report, Mr. Mohammed umair, Conference committee member, welcomed dignitaries for the valedictory session and Mr. Leo Gladwin, Conference committee member, proposed the vote of thanks.
The conference was highly successful and resource person from industry and academia interaction has paved the way for further research in the field finance, HR and marketing which leads sustainable business development.